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Body Sculpting Specialist

Ada Aesthetics Medispa -  - Aesthetic Medical Spa

Ada Aesthetics Medispa

Aesthetic Medical Spa located in Ada, OK

Diet and exercise may not be enough to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat. At Ada Aesthetics Medispa, the experienced team offers body sculpting to eliminate the fat that won’t budge no matter how hard you try. To learn more about the body-sculpting treatments, call the office in Ada, Oklahoma, or select the online booking button today to schedule a consultation.

Body Sculpting Q & A

What is body sculpting?

Body sculpting refers to the aesthetic treatments aimed at improving your body shape by removing the stubborn fatty deposits under your skin. At Ada Aesthetics Medispa, the team offers body sculpting with CoolSculpting® and Kybella®. 

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a nonsurgical body-contouring tool that uses fat-freezing technology to destroy the stubborn fat under your skin. Over time, your body flushes the compromised fat cells away, leaving you with a slimmer body shape.

The body-sculpting tool is FDA cleared to treat nine trouble spots, including:

  • Bulges under your chin
  • Jawline
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Bra fat
  • Back fat
  • Underneath the buttocks
  • Upper arms

You may lose up to 25% of your fat cells in the treated area after one CoolSculpting session. 

The number of body-sculpting treatments you need to get the best results depends on your personal aesthetic goals. The team at Ada Aesthetics Medispa develops your treatment plan before you get started so you know what to expect. 

What is Kybella?

Kybella is the only FDA-approved injection for the treatment of moderate-to-severe submental fullness, or what you may refer to as your turkey neck or double chin. The injection contains deoxycholic acid, which is a compound naturally found in your body that’s responsible for breaking down and absorbing fat. 

This extra fat under your chin may be genetic or may have developed after weight gain. However, even if you’re at a healthy weight, you can still have a double chin. The team at Ada Aesthetics Medispa uses Kybella injections to get rid of submental fat.

When injected into your chin, the active ingredient destroys the fat cells, and your body naturally absorbs them, resulting in a sleeker profile. To get the best results, you may need up to six treatments at monthly intervals. 

Am I a good candidate for body sculpting?

The team at Ada Aesthetics Medispa determines if you’re a good candidate for body sculpting during a consultation. Though CoolSculpting can improve your body shape and destroy unwanted fat, it’s not a weight-loss procedure. To be considered a good candidate for body sculpting with CoolSculpting, the team requires you follow a healthy diet and exercise program and be at or close to your desired body weight. 

The team may consider you a good candidate for Kybella if you’re unhappy with the fullness under your chin and you’re seeking nonsurgical treatment options. 

To schedule a body sculpting consultation, contact Ada Aesthetics Medispa by phone or online today.